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Dead trees = falling debris!

Lombardy poplars are common and cheap—but they easily die and can drop dangerous limbs.

Like these pictured tree “skeletons,” you’ll often see them by roads and sidewalks. (Like tree experts say, “Wrong tree. Wrong place.”) If you have dead or dying poplars, please call for a free consultation. These trees are often hazardous to climb. We have the solution: bucket trucks (65- and 75-foot working height). Give us a ring!

See more photos on our Facebook page (click)! dead-tree-article-post

Serving residential and commercial clients in the scenic Rogue Valley

(Ashland, Oregon as well as Phoenix and Talent)

Call Today:

(541) 482-3667
Emergency Phone:
(541) 482-3667
270 Wilson Road
Central Point, OR 97502

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Need Prompt, Professional Tree Care? Call Today!

Upper Limb-it Tree Service is part of family-owned-and-operated Beaver Tree Service. Looking for Prompt, Professional Tree Care? Upper Limb-it Tree Service has been providing tree care in the Ashland area for many years. Call today.

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